Sunday, June 19, 2011

Road Trip day 2

Today was ever so slightly more eventful than yesterday...
We got an early start around 8 ish...stopping at starbucks in Missoula for breakfast..
Then we drove on and on and on stopping at various rest stops, including Costco (I love their food court)
We stopped at the Little Bighorn national monument with a veterans cemetery and some bloody US history..Custer's Last stand with the Native Americans..lots of graves..eerie battlegrounds..your typical awesome American style history attraction...US National Park
We passed a place in MT that said "pull over next exit to see grizzlies" ..didnt look so legit....we also passed a place off the freeway that had an oldschool shawshank redemption style prison with stone walls and lookout towers...

The weather here is pretty bogus. Pouring rain in Billings..or was it Bozeman.its all the same.
Cloudy and rainy the whole way just like Seattle only they have had flooding here. No outdoor pool action or bbq fire pit for me which is what I was really looking forward to..oh well at least the booze is copious here, however no one I am with is in the mood to imbibe after being behind the wheel all day...

We finally made it to our little Blue Gables mini cabins hotel (think KOA with a more personal touch), where the sweetest lady runs the front desk along with a giant stuffed buffalo head and cockatiel named Van Gogh or something artsy...then it finally hit me..I am in Wyoming! The interior of the do I very Wyoming...log cabin with framed photos of verious antlered animals, quilts with livestock/wildlife on them, curtians with owl, bears, deer, etc. on them....along with all of the 1960's charm in the bathroom (think green flowered linoleum..)..I feel a little weird plugging my macbook and iphone into their outlets here I dont want to burn it down.
To sum it up, here is what I wrote to my friend Christy on Facebook chat:

the liquor store here is called "Yay liquor!" and its a drive through. And the customer in line with me responded "We have all the fun things in Wyoming. Booze, hunting, fishing, and if you fart within 15 feet of your horse you can blame it on him..and dont drink and drive you might spill your drink" when I told him that all of the Washington state liquor stores are state regulated...

all there is is a main street with no stop lights, a mural that says "buffalo: not just a one horse town", a banner over the main street that says "RODEO"..a bartender that uses the word "crik" instead of creek, and a waitress who I asked for a pint glass from and says "I dont know what that is but we have beer glasses that are chilled" ...on top of that the "saloon" here has tons of taxidermy, real oil lamps on the table, and when I asked the bartender if I could buy a glass with a bison on it she said "yeah they are $8.50" and I asked if they could accidentally just happen to fall into my purse and she said " I didn't see anything"....I love this place.

Oh and I ate some Buffalo for dinner IN Buffalo!

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